September 29, 2010


Laughing Square

I just have to brag a little bit here because I'm SO proud of Thing Two and her pals at school:

Yesterday during first recess, some fifth-grade boys were teasing one of the Filipino fourth-grade boys with a bunch of anti-Filipino stuff.  Another Filipino fourth-grade boy got involved and was really angry, and there ended up being not just a verbal battle, but a fight - this in a school that is roughly 1/3 Filipino.  Apparently, the principal saw the fight, and the kids got busted.

Thing Two and her buddies were really upset by this incident because, as she put it, "We all have AT LEAST one Filipino friend."  Usually a bunch of fourth-graders and a bunch of fifth-graders play kick-back together at recess, but to show how they felt about what had happened, come second recess, none of the fourth-graders showed up for the game (older boys involved were part of the fifth-grade kick-back crew). 

No adult rallied them together.  No one told them "You should do something."  The fourth-grade boys involved didn't ask them for support.  Nope, these kids decided on their own to stand up for their friends.  How cool is THAT?!

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