February 20, 2011

Stitches Round-Up - Saturday

NOTE TO SELF:  You are a middle-aged woman.  Going to sleep at 1:00 a.m. when you have to wake up at 6:15 a.m. is a stupid idea.  Just sayin'...

6:15 Saturday morning came far too early, but somehow I managed to wake up on time and make it to my class on time.  "Traveling Stitches" with Cookie A.  Wow.  Cookie is a really good teacher; I can understand now why people say "I'd take any class she taught."  She's just as much fun as you would expect from her patterns, pictures of her, etc.  Once again, I was too timid to ask for a picture.  Oh, well. 

Lunch with Marlaina ("Marly") Bird, Creative Director of Bijou Basin Ranch Yarns.  Yupp.  Yak yarn.  This stuff is fahbulous, the kind of stuff you want to throw on the bed, strip down, and roll around in.  How did I meet Marly?  Hmmm...I started listening to her podcast a few years ago when I discovered knitting podcasts.  I commented on her blog, emailed her, and we ended up Facebook friends, friends on Ravelry, following each other's tweets, etc.  We had such a great time!  The only bummer was that we didn't have long enough.  Maybe next time, we'll be able to have dinner and take more time.  Hmmm...I keep thinking about getting out to Denver sometime.  I'll have to add Marly & her family to our list of people we know out there to hang with!  I was having a bad hair day, but here we are before Marly had to get back to the yarntasting booth (and, YES, I *am* that short, and Marly *is* that tall):

2-19 Marly

I hung out at the market for about an hour or so more, then got Chrispy the car seat from the car and headed home because I was fried.  FRIED.  Eyes threatening to cross as I drove home kind of fried.

From the craziness of Stitches to the craziness of silly movies - when I got home, Hubby & the girls were on Jaws 2 in a Jaws marathon.  Did you know there was a Jaws IV?  Yeah, neither did I.  Not one of Dennis Quaid's best choices.  The awfulness was staggering, I'm telling you.  As I watched, I spun and plied the last of my sample fibers from class (first time I've touched my spindle in...oh...three YEARS).  Another goofy-looking ball of yarn, but, according to my teacher, perfectly balanced, even if it's not consistent.


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